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Corgi Dalmatian Mix Breed: Traits, Temperament, Price, Health, Training, and Much More

Corgi Dalmatian mix

According to a American Veterinary Medical Association study, mixed breed pubs are less likely to have disorders than purebred dogs. The Corgi Dalmatian mix, a blend of the short-legged Corgi and the dark-spotted Dalmatian combines the energetic spirit of the Dalmatian with the playful nature of the Corgi. If you are considering adopting this breed, this article will help clear any doubts you might have. These dogs are renowned for their loyalty to their masters and families.

However, it’s crucial to note that individual personalities play a significant role when choosing any mixed breed. Read on to learn more about their characteristics, exercise needs, physical appearance, and why they might be the perfect pet for you.


What is corgi dalmatian mix?

A Corgi Dalmatian mix is a special type of dog that results from pairing a male Welsh Corgi with a female Dalmatian dog. It’s important to remember that only a male Corgi and a female Dalmatian should be paired, as attempting it the other way around could be harmful, as the female Corgi’s body might produce large puppies. The mixture combines the iconic white coat and black spots of the Dalmatian, along with the shorter legs characteristic of the Corgi. They also have a slightly elongated snout, floppy ears, a forward face, and Dalmatian facial features. They are high-spirited, attentive, and always ready to play.

If you are thinking of adding one to your family, take the time to go through all their features, characteristics, and potential health issues they might face. Make your decision to adopt after thoroughly understanding their individual traits and training requirements.

Corgi History

The Corgi, a small dog originally hailing from Wales, was used by farmers to assist in herding cattle due to their intelligence and agility. Some theories suggest they were brought to Wales by Celtic tribes, while others believe Flemish weavers introduced them in the 10th century. These two main breeds, the Pembroke and the Cardigan, originate from different regions in Wales. They gained fame when Queen Elizabeth II kept them by her side during her youth. Nowadays, people from all around the world love them for their distinctive traits and features. They are particularly cherished for their loyalty, cuteness, and quirky behavior.

Dalmatian History

Dalmatian dogs are commonly recognized by the spots covering their coats. They usually belong to Croatia. In the past, they were known to run alongside carriages to protect them from thieves and other individuals. Additionally, they served as firefighters in America, assisting in watching over fire fighting equipment. This tradition began in the 18th century when Dalmatians would guard and guide fire trucks pulled by horses. With the release of the movie “101 Dalmatians,” more and more people desired to have this dog as their own.

Nowadays, in America, most people have this dog due to their affable nature. They are popular because of their intelligence, activity level, and striking appearance.


Physical Traits

As we know, the Corgi-Dalmatian mix is a combination of two different breeds. Here, I will explain their typical appearance:

  1. Size: They are medium-sized animals.
  2. Height: They are short in stature, measuring about 12 to 20 inches tall, depending on which parent breed they take after.
  3. Weight: They are relatively light, ranging from 25 to 55 pounds.

In terms of their appearance, their body shape is mostly similar to a Corgi, somewhat elongated vertically and close to the ground with short legs. Their coat is predominantly white and adorned with dark brown or black spots reminiscent of a Dalmatian. Their ears may either stand erect like a Corgi’s or flop over like a Dalmatian’s. Each Corgi-Dalmatian can have a unique look, but in terms of temperament, they are a delightful blend of both breeds.


Personality and Temperament

The Corgi-Dalmatian mix is a great combo of two beloved breeds, evolving a friendly and loyal dog. These dogs are usually very sociable, loving to be with their human families and often getting along great with other pets. They have a playful and energetic taste and soul, always ready for a game or a walk. Being smart, they pick up new tricks and commands pretty quickly, making training a fun experience. Even though they’re mostly cheerful, they have a protective streak.

So, don’t be surprised if they bark to alert you about strangers or something unusual. Their temperament is a mix of playful energy and devoted loyalty, making them wonderful companions for families.


Training and Care

Training and care are the most important aspects to consider when adopting a Corgi-Dalmatian mix as a responsible pet owner. This includes exercise and grooming tips.

Exercise Needs:

The Corgi-Dalmatian mix is full of spirit phenomena. They are mostly habitual of walking and don’t like sitting inside for too long; they need to move and play. As a pet owner, you must make it your habit to take him for a walk or fun things for at least an hour each day. If they don’t get enough activity, they can become restless and might start doing things like barking a lot or chewing on stuff. If you have kids, these dogs will happily play with them, eliminating some extra energy. 

5 Exercise Needs of Corgi-Dalmatian mix

  1. Energetic Breed: The Corgi-Dalmatian mix loves activity and isn’t a couch potato.
  2. Daily Walks: Ensure they get at least an hour of walk or play daily.
  3. Avoid Boredom: They can become restless without enough exercise, leading to unwanted behaviors.
  4. Kid-Friendly: They’re great playmates for kids, helping them burn off energy.
  5. Signs of Restlessness: Barking, chewing, and being jumpy can be signs they need more playtime.

Grooming Tips:

Taking care of a Corgi-Dalmatian mix’s coat is pretty easy, but there’s one thing: they shed quite a bit. So, brushing them regularly will help keep their coat nice and reduce the hair around your home. They can get dirty faster because they’re a bit low to the ground, especially if they’ve been outside playing. If they’re just a little dirty, try using some pet wipes to clean them up instead of giving them a full bath. Baths are okay occasionally, but not too often, as their skin can be sensitive. 

5 Grooming Tips of Corgi-Dalmatian mix

  1. Shedding: This mix sheds quite a bit, so regular brushing is essential.
  2. Bath Sensitivity: Their skin is delicate, so baths should be occasional, only when really needed.
  3. Pet Wipes: For light cleaning, doggy grooming wipes are perfect. Brands like Arm & Hammer or Nature’s Miracle are recommended.
  4. Low Height: Being closer to the ground means they can get dirty faster, especially after outdoor play.
  5. Regular Check-ups: Apart from grooming, routinely check their ears, nails, and teeth to ensure overall health.


Health and Wellness of the Corgi Dalmatian Mix

The Corgi Dalmatian Mix is generally a healthy breed, but, like all dogs, it requires attention to diet and overall wellness to ensure a long and happy life. Proper care can often lead to a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years for this mix.

Diet plays a crucial role in their health. A well-balanced diet is the foundation for overall well-being. Feed them high-quality dog food that’s rich in proteins, good fats, and essential nutrients. This supports muscle growth, provides energy, and keeps their coat shiny. Avoid foods with fillers, artificial additives, or excessive grains. While it might be tempting to give them table scraps, it’s only sometimes healthy. Some human foods like chocolates, grapes, and onions can be toxic to dogs. Instead, provide dog-safe fruits and veggies as treats, such as blueberries or carrots.

Regular check-ups with a vet are also essential to monitor and prevent potential health problems. While the Corgi Dalmatian Mix is robust, they might be prone to some issues like deafness, bladder stones, or hip dysplasia. Early detection can make management easier and improve quality of life.

Exercise is another cornerstone of wellness. This energetic mix needs daily walks and playtime. Active play helps maintain a healthy weight, keeps their joints flexible, and provides mental stimulation.


Corgi dalmatian mix Price/Cost

Corgi dalmatian price can vary based on factors like their breeder reputation, location, and specific traits. Generally, these dogs can be found in a price range of $300 to $700. Researching and choosing reputable breeders is always recommended to ensure a healthy puppy.


5 Reasons to Consider a Corgi Dalmatian Mix:

  1. Distinct Look: This blend results in a one-of-a-kind appearance, combining the Corgi height with the Dalmatian’s dark spots, ensuring your pet stands out in the crowd.
  2. Full of Energy: These dogs are Ideal for those who love outdoor activities and are always up for fun and games, adding goals to your daily routines.
  3. Fast Learners: Their smart minds quickly pick up the commands and tricks, making training sessions rewarding.
  4. Ideal Living Companion: Their moderate size makes them suitable for both apartment living and homes with backyards, fitting seamlessly into various lifestyles. Easily fitted anywhere and everywhere. 
  5. Health Resilience: Mixed breeds often cause fewer genetic health concerns but are still genetically strong and healthy pets.

5 Reasons to Reconsider Getting a Corgi Dalmatian Mix:

  1. High Energy Levels: The Corgi-Dalmatian mix may not be the best choice if you are seeking a calm pet. They have a ton of energy, demanding attention and plenty of playtime.
  2. Shedding Concerns: If you can’t commit to regular grooming, it is best to avoid adopting this breed. They shed a lot, which can be dangerous for those with allergies or infections.
  3. Required proper Training: They are knowledgeable but need training to prevent unwanted behaviors due to their enthusiasm for games and exploration.
  4. Fan of Socialization: They are generally comfortable with strangers and other animals, but they require time and effort from the owner to ensure they interact well with others.
  5. Activity Requirements: This breed has high activity needs, so be prepared for lots of exercise and playtime to keep them happy and healthy.



If you are considering adopting a Corgi Dalmatian mix, it is important to note the pros and cons. This mix brings together the unique and lovable qualities of both parent breeds, resulting in a dog that is active, intelligent, and distinctive in appearance. They can be a suitable companion for active individuals or families and can adapt to various living situations. However, their high energy levels, shedding, and need for early socialization and consistent training might be better for some.

Potential owners should evaluate their lifestyle, preferences, and time to dedicate to training and care before deciding on this breed mix. The above factors will help you to ensure a harmonious relationship between the owner and the pet, fostering a loving and happy environment for both.